Monday, 7 September 2009

Weight 130.5lbs.

Good as i failed to follow my plan over the weekend and ate quite a bit.

Feeling a little more positive and happier. I can feel myself sinking back down a little now that i am alone again but i must fight it.

My mouth feels bleh from the food yesterday. Ive already drunk like 2 litres of water but nothing shifts that feeling.

I havent been on the treadill today. Im hoping the weather stays dry as I plan to go walking this afternoon. Change of scenery and such. Not looking forward to it really though.. I am such a lazy bitch :(


  1. 4lbs!! Thats good. Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure you'll be under 130 in no times

  2. Man I'd kill to be in the 130's...I'm still struggling to stay below 160! EW! That should be a little thinspiration for least you're not as fat as ME! lol.

    Stay strong Angel, you can DO IT!

